Stress Relief Remedies
WOW! What a week it has been! I thought now was as good a time as any to share some of my favorite stress relief remedies. Whether you are stressed from work, family, friends, or you know the whole global pandemic that’s affecting literally everyone in the world … here are some ways to help you relax, unplug, and deal with everything going on in your life right now. Let’s face it, even when there isn’t a major pandemic happening, life can be tough, and we all need to learn how to manage life’s ups and downs. I hope these remedies bring you some peace. Remember, we’re all in this together!
With gyms closed all over the country, I know this one can be tough. However, even just a walk around the block can really boost your mood! This is also a great opportunity to try something new. Many companies, like Peloton are offering free 90 day trials for their at home fitness programs. Moving your body in some capacity for 30-60 minutes a day can be a game changer when it comes to stress relief. Even if you just put your phone away and focus on your breathing for 30 minutes, that is going to be super helpful!
Speaking of unplugging and focusing on your breathing … how about meditation! HeadSpace is an awesome app that teaches you how to meditate. You can start off slow and eventually mediate every day, or you can do it as needed. Spending time to refocus your mind can help in a global crisis like we are in now and can also help you get through tough times in your life. People going through relationships ending, losing their jobs, losing loved ones, etc. can all benefit from a little meditation.
Remove Outside Stressors
If the news is making you anxious, reduce your news time. Now that news is 24/7 these days, this can be hard to get away from. I encourage you to stay informed by watching the morning or nightly news, but remove the constant updates throughout the day if this gives you anxiety. Another tip is to make sure you are leaving work at work. If you never log out of your work email or are constantly thinking about your to do list after work, you are not doing yourself any favors. Set boundaries on when you will reply to work emails and understand that most fires can wait until the morning to be put out. Never mentally clocking out of work can bring you anxiety, reduce your productivity, and eventually you will be burnt out. So leave work at work, and enjoy your time off! Take a moment to recognize any outside stressors you have in your life like toxic friends, social media, etc. and come up with a plan to remove them for your own sanity.
Find Ways to Relax
Fire up the humidifier or diffuser, add your favorite essential oils, and just sit back and take in the smells. It’s like an indoor version of stopping to smell the roses. Do some self care like an at home face mask or warm bath. Get super cozy and curl up with that book you’ve been meaning to read. Maybe even start a fire and take in the warmth of your favorite hot herbal tea. These are all things that will help you relax and let go of some of life’s stressors.
Music can be so therapeutic. Spotify has some amazing playlists to help boost your mood. They literally have a playlist called “Have a Great Day”. Find one that speaks to you and get lost in the music for a bit. Use this to motivate you to get some exercise in through running, yoga, or even just dancing in the kitchen.
Mindful Soothing Tasks
Doing something that is mindful and soothing can help get your mind off of whatever you’re stressing about. One of my favorite Sunday activities are adult coloring books. It’s a great way to zone out, and zen out, while creating something awesome! Puzzles are also a fun activity … especially when you’re cooped up in your house for Covid-19 quarantine! If you’re into knitting, that is a very productive mindful activity. You could make scarves or blankets for your friends and family. Helping other’s is a great way to boost your mood as well. If you’re not the creative type, try journaling and just writing down your thoughts. Sometimes writing things down on paper allows you to get all your thoughts out, organize them, and find a solution to tackle them.
I hope some of these stress relief remedies speak to you! I am always open to trying new things. If you have some of your own tried and true remedies, I would love to hear about them! Share them in the comments below.
Here are some of my favorite calming products.
Stay safe out there friends!
- Bob Thingamabobs
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